- Sunday Morning Worship
- Worship will be 1 hour in length, GCC Kids will be opened with limited capacity (Lindsey will have a kids activity available for those who attend the service).
- 1 Service
- 9:30AM - In-Person Masks required
- 11:15AM - Broadcast Service on GCCTV
Worship will also look different. Because singing can significantly increase the production/dissemination of droplets, extra precautions will be in place.
An approved face covering is required to be worn at all times, including during singing.
- Modified Seating for Worship
- Seating- we ask you keep 3 open seats between non-family members
- Hand sanitizer stations will be available
- No-Contact Service, Physical distancing, not social distancing
- No printed handout will be given out
- A friendly hello and a squirt of hand sanitizer instead of a hug
- Door Greeters will adhere to physical distancing requirements
- BYOC - Bring your own coffee or favorite drink
- To minimize grouping up indoors, we ask that you move outside (if you’d like), and continue to socialize with physical distancing.
- Groups
- Intersect Student Ministry is meeting Sunday afternoons. Contact Alicia Cross at, alicia@gracecrossingchurch.net with questions.
- Connection Groups meet online or in person
COVID Update
As we resume in-person services, it's time to re-calibrate!
GCC has shown an attitude of Loving Others Well throughout the initial phases of the pandemic.
Let’s continue this great way of loving as we are able to begin to meet again in person.