Frequently Asked Questions

Check out some of our more frequently asked questions below. Also, if you have a question that's not answered below, feel free to send us a note; just click HERE

  • What denomination is this church?

    Although part of a network of churches called the Assemblies of God, GCC is a transdenominational church dedicated to serving the unchurched, dechurched, and spirituallly disenfranchised in Beavercreek and its surrounding communities. We have people from all sorts of faith backgrounds, both Catholic and Protestant. Since our beliefs are shared by many different denominations, GCC is a place where everyone feels welcome. Basically, we are a Protestant church that loves Jesus and loves to resource those aspiring to follow Jesus.

  • Who funds this place?

    Let's be clear on who is NOT funding this place. There are no corporate sponsors or franchise affiliations or grants funding GCC. It's the generosity of everyday people in our church family and community that funds our ministries and operations. Our support comes from the generous giving of average folks who love contributing to the kinds of things they see God doing here at GCC. We are completely transparent about our finances, so if you'd like to see our most recent quarterly financial statements, click HERE.

  • I'm looking for a church that doesn't feel like church (at least not the one I attended growing up). Is GCC The "same old, same old" when it comes to church? 

    Great question! According to the New Testament, church is about the people and not about the building. GCC doesn't have a dress code, doesn't collect offerings during the service, doesn't have guests stand up or raise their hands, doesn’t do a "meet-and-greet" with a neighbor, and doesn't have a sign posted, "No food or drink in the sanctuary." In fact, we don’t even call it a sanctuary; we call it an auditorium. And while you might not find steeples or stained glass around here, there’s no shortage of really authentic people and authentic spirituality - and did we mention free coffee?

  • I absolutely do not believe in God. Am I still welcome at GCC?

    Yes, you absolutely are welcome. Like all those who attend GCC, we would simply invite you to "come as you are...but grow." We invite you to explore your questions about God in a safe and accepting environment and then expect you to wrestle with what you discover. Many here at GCC began right where you are, so no worries!

  • What do i do with my kids?

    Bring them! Our GCC Kids Ministry runs during our Sunday service for kids from birth through 5th grade. When you enter, look left and you'll find our GCC Kids Welcome Desk. Here, you'll be greeted by a GCC Kids Team Volunteer to start the process of welcoming your children into a fun, safe and positive environment to learn about the love of God.

  • Are all the people working on the weekend paid church staff?

    Nope. Believe it or not, from the coffee you drink to the communication you receive, 99% of the GCC staff you will meet are volunteers. Volunteers care for our kids, take out the trash, and sing on stage. Presently, GCC does have several people who are paid staff. Otherwise, they are people just like you who have found serving God to be a rewarding, life-giving experience.